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Travel Mode Choice

Abou-Zeid, M.; Witter, R.; Bierlaire, M.; Kaufmann, V.; Ben-Akiva, M. (2012). Happiness and travel mode switching: Findings from a Swiss public transportation experiment. Transport Policy, 19(1), 93-104.

Bamberg, S. (2000). The promotion of new behavior by forming an implementation intention: Results of a field experiment in the domain of travel mode choice. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30(9), 1903-1922.

Bamberg, S.; Ajzen, I.; Schmidt, P. (2003). Choice of Travel Mode in the Theory of Planned Behavior: The Roles of Past Behavior, Habit, and Reasoned Action. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 25(3), 175-187.

Bamberg, S.; Schmidt, P. (1999). Regulating transport: behavioural changes in the field. Journal of Consumer Policy, 22(4), 479-509.

Barkenbus, J. N. (2010). Eco-driving: An overlooked climate change initiative. Energy Policy, 38(2), 762-769.

Carrus, G.; Passafaro, P.; Bonnes, M. (2008). Emotions, habits and rational choices in ecological behaviours: The case of recycling and use of public transportation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28(1), 51-62.

Eriksson, L.; Garvill, J.; Nordlund, A. M. (2006). Acceptability of travel demand management measures: The importance of problem awareness, personal norm, freedom, and fairness. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26(1), 15-26.

Eriksson, L.; Garfill, J.; Nordlund, A. M. (2008). Interrupting habitual car use: The importance of car habit strength and moral motivation for personal car use reduction. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 11(1), 10-23.

Foxx, R. M.; Schaeffer, M. H. (1981). A company-based lottery to reduce the personal driving of employees. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 14(3), 273-285.

Fujii, S.; Kitamura, R. (2003). What does a one-month free bus ticket do to habitual drivers? An experimental analysis of habit and attitude change. Transportation, 30(1), 81-95.

Fujii, S.; Taniguchi, A. (2005). Reducing family car-use by providing travel advice or requesting behavioral plans: An experimental analysis of travel feedback programs. Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment, 10(5), 385-393.

Fujii, S.; Taniguchi, A. (2006). Determinants of the effectiveness of travel feedback programs – a review of communicative mobility management measures for changing travel behaviour in Japan. Transport Policy, 13(5), 339-348.

Gärling, T.; Eek, D.; Loukopoulos, P.; Fujii, S.; Johansson-Stenman, O.; Kitamura, R.; Pendyala, R.; Vilhelmson, B. (2002). A conceptual analysis of the impact of travel demand management on private car use. Transport Policy, 9(1), 59-70.

Graham, J.; Koo, M.; Wilson, T. D. (2011). Conserving Energy by Inducing People to Drive Less. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(1), 106-118.

Graham-Rowe, E.; Skippon, S.; Gardner, B.; Abraham, C. (2011). Can we reduce car use and, if so, how? A review of available evidence. Transportation Research Part a-Policy and Practice, 45(5), 401-418.

Harvey, J., Thorpe, N., & Fairchild, R. (2013). Attitudes towards and perceptions of eco-driving and the role of feedback systems. Ergonomics, 56(3), 507-521.

Hunecke, M., Blöbaum, A., Matthies, E., & Höger, R. (2001). Responsibility and environment: Ecological norm orientation and external factors in the domain of travel mode choice behavior. Environment and Behavior, 33(6), 830-852.

Jakobsson, C.; Fujii, S.; Garling, T. (2002). Effects of economic disincentives on private car use.  Transportation, 29(4), 349-370.

Klöckner, C. A.; Blöbaum, A. (2010). A comprehensive action determination model: Toward a broader understanding of ecological behaviour using the example of travel mode choice. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(4), 574-586.

Koo, Y.; Kim, C. S.; Hong, J.; Choi, I. J.; Lee, J. (2012). Consumer preferences for automobile energy-efficiency grades. Energy Economics, 34(2), 446-451.

Larrick, R. P.; Soll, J. B. (2008). The MPG illusion. Science, 320(5883), 1593-1594.

Munson, M. J.; Mufti, R. K. (1979). Assessing the impact of transportation energy policies on travel behavior: A preliminary approach. Transportation Research Part A: General, 13(6), 407-416.

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Verplanken, B.; Aarts, H.; Van Knippenberg, A. (1997). Habit, information acquisition, and the process of making travel mode choices. European Journal of Social Psychology, 27(5), 539-560.